Saturday, December 13, 2008

Massive inequality, we have learned, isn't the best way to run an economy after all.

I've been poor, eating beans and biscuits poor, can't work because I don't have a second car poor and the kids daddy wasn't a reliable babysitter poor. I have a friend (she did the right thing, college, married an up and coming guy) that couldn't have kids, tried every treatment known to man and of course all I could ever talk about were my kids. They were like most of my life and I felt bad for my friend. She did adopt a little girl who is cute and adorable eventually.

So I can understand this woman's plight, that said, flying in yoga instructors etc. to a remote location in ID? That seems silly and just beyond the point of being rich.

Read the article here to see what I'm spouting about this morning before I go to work. (Don't wanna go, can you tell?)

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