Monday, November 24, 2008

My daily take on Politics

I used to be a Republican. I have a stepson who served @ the first of the Iraq war in the gulf and luckily was stateside till he got out last year. I have several cousins who are or have been over there. I support them fully. Having said that I don't think this article is too far off of it's mark.
Why America Feels Like it's Been Ruled by a Foreign Occupier.
This excerpt is a bit extreme in it's outlook but it's not too far off the mark.
Propaganda Tuned Up

Bush took the stance of a foreign occupier in his governance- rational argument would never win the minds and hearts of the masses so crude propaganda such as Fox News was trotted out to scare and paralyze America into obedience. The same quest for obedience through misinformation and crude scare tactics are the same you see in the totalitarian governments from South America to Asia that have brought nothing but misery to their own people and the world at large.

I hope everyone with an IQ over 100 knows to question ALL the newscasts and gather facts. I have become a news junkie along with millions of other Americans, I have CNN, Drudge Report (Republican), Huffingtonpost (leaning Democrat), and democraticunderground (obvious) on my browser tabs most of the time, and then I DO go to Fox News to see what their take on it all is. Others I'm sure just go to one source if they pay any attention @ all

I was looking at the news the other day and thinking how it would have upset my father if he had been alive now. USA in recession possibly depression, Iceland? in Revolt, not to mention how he would have felt about 911. If you had forecast these headlines 10 years ago no one would have believed them, much less perhaps trillions in bailout monies and stimulus packages. At that time we were more worried about the definition of what Clinton did with Monica?

I admit I've been reading President Elect Obama's book the Audacity of Hope. In it he says in 1980 CEO's on the average made 42 times what their average employee made, in 2004 it was 262 TIMES what their average employee made. I think I've got the quote right. That and unbridled speculation and unregulated banking and the trickle down effect (yeah right, it trickled down but it wasn't money), have done serious damage to our economy. You say what do I care what a CEO makes? They should be rewarded for doing a good job not a mediocre job or a so so job, if it's a publicly traded company it affects the stock market etc. which in turn affects pension plans and investments which affect how much money people have to spend on the things we make or sell to earn our food.

Where am I going with all this? Don't listen to one news source only. Don't just go to your preferred parties website. Don't listen to just a select group of people. Diversify your knowledge, it's our mess and it's up to everyone of us to become well informed thinking individuals. Yes we elected them all but the platform MOST of them put out was that they would LISTEN to the people. Have something worth saying to them.

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