Friday, November 21, 2008

Dog Drives Into Coffeehouse

Now I know I'm not totally obsessive when I put the emergency on when I leave the car running and the dog in it.

Suffolk County Police Department Press Release:

Suffolk County Police Fourth Precinct police officers responded to an incident where a dog drove a car into a St. James coffee house tonight.
Bryan Maher, 60, of 103 Huron St., Port Jefferson, left his 1992 Chevrolet van running when he went into Cool Beanz at 7:10 p.m. Maher's dog, Bentley, put the vehicle in drive and the van rolled into the building.
No one was injured. The crash damaged the glass window at the front of the store and some patio furniture.

So what else is going on, husband coming home, getting ready for our second turkey day, had one @ his relatives already so we will have a relaxed turkey day next Thursday.

In other news the American way might not be the worlds destiny as predicted in this article.

WASHINGTON — Global warming could be a boon to Russia, a European country could be overrun by organized crime and the U.S. and its dollar could further decline in importance during the next two decades, says a U.S. intelligence report with predictions for the world in 2025. From the Huffington Post.
And read further @Sun sets on US power: report predicts end of dominance.

They've predicted doom and gloom before. More thoughts on headlines later, a glass of tea for husband and some quality time with my laundry calling.

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